1. Flirt with him show him that you are interested
2. Talk and chat with him, just because you always text him or speak to him on facebook that does not mean it will be the same in real life!
3. Be interested in what he says, guys like it when girls make them feel significant
4. Do never talk about his friends because he may feel you are interested in them rather than himself
5. Do not play hard to get , often you will think by annoying him you are flirting or getting his attention but really its just driving him away from you
6. Don’t give out the wrong impression, being outgoing is very helpful but sometimes they may think you are not going to be serious about them asking you out
7. VERY important , make sure his friends approve of you, even though you may not think this is important, but his friends are the ones who will encourage / discourage him.
8. Do not forget to have fun. You need to show him that you are fun to be with whether or not you are in his company. It goes to show that you are not clingy
9. Be confident, confidence is attractive
10. Don’t wear too much make up! guys often see orange girls as disgusting and slutty