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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
'' I Don't Know Why Yu Do That ?? :D .... Every Time I fOrget Yu .. Yu Make Sure That I Remember Yu Again :D:D .... JusT Wanna Know Whyyyy :D ??? & Plzzzz Don't Tell Me That It's Human Nature :D:D:D ''........
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it's 5 pm, im still in my pajamas, & i'm not ashamed. welcome back summer.. you've been missed
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Dude i'm not going if your not going
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come n again tk me wd u...m happy wen m wid u only...evrywhr feels lk heaven wen wd u...miss u lots! ♥♥♥
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Dear Brain...Will You Stop thinking So much and let me SLEEP??
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It's like: I want you to know. I just don't want to tell you.
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When they asked me what I loved most about life, I smiled and said You. ..♥ ♥ ♥
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Faceb00k Is My Favourite Book...;)!!
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I hate how sarcasm doesn't transfer well over text
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Never underestimate a girl's abillity to find things out.
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Always dream positive, think about what makes u happy
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I may look calm, but in my head I Hve killed you three times.
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Puberty hits all of us...LOL jk it forgot about Justin Bieber.
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It doesn't matter who you've known longest, what matters is who has stayed by your side through all...
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Cafe Coffee Day!
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I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes.
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"im tired" . . . "You should sleep" . . . "Nope" . . . "why ?" . . . "Your more important" <3
Only if you have an 'A' or 'E' In Ur FIRST Name Join!!!!!
A Dady is someone,who is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love!..♥
i hate messages which says.....forward it to 10 people...
I am me. I am not willing to change for you, or anyone else. Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
Teacher: "I am THIS close to calling your mother!" Student: "Tell her I said hi!"
How every teacher has a story of someone swinging on a chair, falling, and getting seriously injured...
If you (LIKE), (LOVE), or (MISS) SomeOne Right NOW ♥
151 Ways To Annoy Your Teacher
At the restaurant... do you want a table sir? no we will eat on the floor..