Ever since I was little.
I would watch the sun go down slow.
Behind the rockies in a fiery glow.
Clouds all pink n red.
Puffy fluffy fat and over fed.
With our daydreams as we go to bed.
Fire behind the mountains all red.
My imagination was running wild.
Indians dancing their dances.
Their fires making the sky red.
Watching the sun set.
I was just a child.
Now many years later.
I see them lights behind them mountains.
I still can hear them Indian drums.
And their voices sing.
The tears started to sting.
My life like the sun is starting to set.
I close my eyes.
My shirt is a little wet.
My dreams take me back.
To all the sunsets that I knew.
Flashing past me one by one.
Seeing the sun go down such a pretty sight.
I feel blessed as I sink softly down in dreamland.
Drums fading far away.
Oh what a peaceful sunset to greet the night.
Down she went and turned off the light.