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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
6 Ways of Romance ...
6 Ways of Romance ...
1.Hand in Hand
2.That in Hand
3.Hand on That
4.That in Mouth
5.Mouth on That
6.That in That...
Now Don't Ask Me what is THAT .....
Love is...........
♥...Love is...........whn u lok in sme1s eyes n see evrythng u need........♥
♥....Love is............smething u just cant escape..............♥
♥.....Love is............the most beautiful sadness in the world.... ♥
I tried to hold her tight but kept losing, for she was like sand...
I tried to hold her tight but kept losing, for she was like sand..
I set her free but she thought I don't care, she's gone..
Between all this what I learned is,
either you try to hold or set her free,
your relationship will never work if its not meant to be..!-]
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Boy:I like dat girl
Boy:I like dat girl
His frnd: She has a boyfriend!
Boy: Look.A goalpost always has agoalkeper....
but dat dosnt meanu cnt score goals.
Njy d FIFA world cup
!!!!! it hurts whn.....
!!!!! it hurts whn
u bcme SOMETHING 4 d 1
who was EVERYTHING 4 u
It kills u when
u become NOTHING 4 the 1
who was everything in ur life
Monday, June 28, 2010
Best Line Written in front of a church in New York
Best Line Written in front of a church in New York
"Always Believe In God
B'cos There Are Some Questions
That Can Not Be Answered By Google..." :)
I m gonna tell you a secret
You: "I'm gonna tell you a secret,
promise u won't tell anyone"
Friend: "Sure what is it?"
You: "Never mind I changed my mind" hahahah
Friendship is not how long we have been
Friendship is not how long we have been
together. Not how much you have given or
received. Not how many times we have
helped each other. It's only how we value one
don't know why your the first thing I think of in the morning
♥ ♥ ♥
& I don't know why your the first thing I think of in the morning.
Why I try to get prettied up for you.
Or why your never off my mind,
I honestly think its because your the girl I like a lot and wanna be with all day
♥ ♥ ♥
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Y Girls MArried Nd Go to a Stranger Home..?
Y Girls MArried Nd Go to a Stranger Home..?
Ans.- Bcos dey r blessed angels of the almighty after filling their own
home with color of happiness .dey go away to others ...so learn to
respect girls..
sadi jindagi wich khaas teri thaan
sadi jindagi wich khaas teri thaan,
sochi na tennu dilo kadta,
loki hanjuaa cho padh lende naa,
te ese layi asi rona chadh dita,
If You Drop Me, I will Break.
If You Drop Me, I'll Break.
If You Hold Me, I'll Shake.
If You Need Me, I'll Hurry.
If You don't Call Me, I'll Worry.
If You Hurt Me, I'll Cry.
But If You Leave Me, I'll Die......
so neva let u go.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I trust you I have faith in you I appreciate your support
I trust You
I have faith in You
I appreciate Your support
I treasure Your spirit
I admire Your strength
I think of You and smile
I think You are a gift
I think You are my soulmate
I need You to let me be your friend
I am You,
You are I.
Lives r 4 living i live 4 u
Lives r 4 living i live 4 u
Dreams r 4 dreaming i dream 4 u
Hearts r 4 beating mine beats 4 u
Angels r 4 keeping. Can i keep u..??
BOY:- tumhara naam kya hai ????
BOY:- tumhara naam kya hai ????
GIRL :- kyu batau ????? mien tumhe
jaanti bhi nahi .......
BOY :- mat batao mien kaunsa tumhe apni "
SKODA " mien drive par leke jane wala hu....
GIRL :- sonali ........
2 year .......
woh saamne waali gali se right hand pe 4 th
no. pe mera ghar hai .........
HOUSE NO . 32 / Bghar mien 1 chota
bhai , mama aur papa hai .......
tution time 6 to 8 ...........
Facts abt gals
Facts abt gals
1.Wen she luks in2 ur eyes, n her eyes get wet, she truly loves u.
2.Wen a gal acts possessive sumtyms, its coz she's afraid, afraid of losing u, ur luv.
3.Wen a gal cries infront of u, she's hurt, wipe her tears n say i m here na, u dont hav 2 worry abt anythng, i'll handle it...
4.Wen a gal says she wants ur time, she's nt needy, she has lots of ppl arund hr who care fr her, bt u r spcl fr her...
5.Wen a gal says go away leave me alone, she actualy wants you to pull her closer n say i wont ever...
Guys always say gals r complex, its hard 2 undrstand dm but kya kare pyaar bhi unhi se hota hai ♥ . . .
Friday, June 25, 2010
I just want to tell you nothing
I just want to tell you nothing
you dont want to hear
All I want is for you to say
Why dont you just take me
Where Ive never been before
I know you want to hear me
Catch my breath
I love you till the end
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
What you do to me
What you do to me
you melt my heart with your eyes,
you warm my soul with your voice,
you break my insecurities with your touch,
you make my head spin with your kiss,
you make my dreams come true with your love... ..! ♥♥♥
I used to laugh it off
I used to laugh it off
I used to look the other way
I used to save them troubles for another day
I kept my fingers crossed
I used to never take the blame
I'd pull a sunshine story in a pouring rain The more
I had to change
I'd just stay the same
39 tips/ways to bounce back when you feel low:
1. Do something good for someone else, even though you may not want to. Do a favour, help them find something, give them an item which will help them in some way. Start the flow of positive energy.
2. Turn up music you really love. Play it so loudly that it soaks in through your skin. Dance in your pyjamas. Feel the pain lift.
3. Have a romance in your head.
4. Call a friend & ask them if they want to have a slumber party.
5. Indulge in your “guilty pleasures”, whatever they are.
6. Send a text message to one of the most interesting people you know — maybe someone you don’t know that well, just to say hello.
7. Look through old photos. With a friend if possible. If it’s an old friend, you can reminisce (“Oh my god, do you remember when we did that?!”), & if it’s a new friend, you can tell grand stories (“Well, let me tell you about this guy…”).
8. Write a gruellingly personal entry for your blog dissecting every aspect of the situation which has upset you so much. Post it, don’t post it, whatever, just get it out of your system.
9. Write a ridiculous online dating profile & marvel at the people who come out of the woodwork.
10. Think up nicknames for all your friends, then send them each postcards to alert them.
11. Think back on the last really good sex you had. Think about it for an hour. Then do something else.
12. Go out for a milkshake.
13. Grab a friend, dress up like tourists & go & do all the really schlocky things on offer in your city. Take LOTS of photos, & be sure to flash the peace sign in 70% of them.
14. Stick little crystals on something you use every day. (Wallet, light-switch, key-ring, boots?)
15. Go to a yoga class. Surrender & breathe deep.
16. Go through Urban Dictionary & find some fun/ridiculous new words to add to your vocabulary.
17. Spend an hour in a department store sniffing perfume samples. When you find something you like, spray it on a card & drop it in your purse.
18. Try break-dancing.
19. Drink through a straw all day. If you get your hands on a straw which matches your outfit, so much the better.
20. Write a letter to yourself in the future. Then hide it. Maybe in the pocket of a coat you never, ever wear.
21. Play your musical instrument & annoy the hell out of everyone while you learn how to play it.
22. Load up your ipod & go for a walk through your favourite park.
23. Reach out to the people who inspire you but who don’t know you exist.
24. Write the birthdays of your personal heroes in your planner & work out a way to honour them on that day.
25. Notice where you hold tension in your body, & let it go.
26. Be graceful.
27. Write a note in your diary and capture your feelings
28. Answer questions with questions.
29. Record yourself trying to recite the alphabet while vigorously brushing your teeth.
30. Tell someone cute, “You’re cute”.
31. Be optimistic.
32. Lie down in the sunshine.
33. Book a karaoke room with friends & sing your heart out.
34. Make a list of practical, actionable ways you can improve your situation.
35. Write a play/ short story.
36. Take a nap with your head at the other end of the bed.
37. Hug your friends.
38. Tell someone everything.
39. Last but not least, believe that everything is always getting better.
I hate when you smile at me
I hate when you smile at me
because you make me crazy about you.
I hate when you talk to me
because you make me run out of words.
I hate you when I see you
because you make me love you more ;)
With each passing moment,
dialogue between us, amplify our bond
we realize it, but chose to neglect
the closeness and oneness, we own
while we care, and deserve to be in peace
present situation, amuse and wane our confidence, so mean
Trepidation that the wind will blow us apart, is an illusion
Clear communication between us, the only solution
The world around will never understand
Family and friends may renounce and strand
This relationship has to stand the test of time
It is pure and true affection for, not a crime
The end of this road, no one has seen
The pathway is long and remains like a new screen
The privilege to peep the end, not an option available
So the walk the way in anticipation, who cares of being favorable
The process involved is all pain and grief
We need endurance to live it, make it brief
The query remains, do we choose the road that may fade
Well if in love, do not be afraid
Reaching destination is an end to the means
The road we travel together will provide us delight
Pain and pleasure, both go side by side
If we want something from within, we have them with pride
Once upon a time
Once upon a time
something happened to me...
it was the sweetest thing
that ever could be a fanasty
dream come true...♥
it was the day
that i met You..! ♥ ♥ ♥
Be with SomeOne who Really Loves U
Be with SomeOne
who Really Loves U
nOt with SomeOne
U Really LOVE...
bCause Even when
U Hurt Him/Her,
He/She wiLL Never
Hurt U Back..!!!
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you..?
Everybody needs some time...on their own...
don't you know you need some time...all alone..
I know its hard to keep an open heart
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you..?
Everybody needs some time...on their own...
don't you know you need some time...all alone..
I know its hard to keep an open heart
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you..?
Everybody needs some time...on their own...
don't you know you need some time...all alone..
Once in life,
Once in life,
do fall in love, not necessarily with a person,
but with an idea,
a dream,
an ambition.
More often
it will be a reason
to wake up
with a Smile :)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Toh phir kiyon dil udass hai?
Sab kuch tu tere pass hai
Toh phir kiyon dil udass hai?
Hai piyar bhi tere liye
Khayal bhi tere liye
Ye dil bhi tere pass hai
Toh phir kiyon dil udass hai?
Main sochta hoon bas tujhe
Main dekhta hoon bas tujhe
Jab mujh pe aitbaar hai
Toh phir kiyon dil udass hai?
Hai zindagi tere liye
Ye dil, khushi tere liye
Ye sab jo tere pass hai
Toh phir kiyon dil udaas hai?
Tu neend main, tu khuwab main
Tu mere dasht-o-aab main
Har pal too mere saath hai
Toh phir kiyon dil udass hai?
Har simt hain gul khile hui
Hain dost bhi mile hui
Har simt piyar hi piyar hai
Toh phir kiyon dil udass hai?
Ye dil, khushi or etebaar
Ye dost, khwab or ye piyar
Sab kuch tu tere pass hai
Toh phir kiyon dil udass hai?
I m feeling so happy,
I m feeling so happy,
do u know why?
cuz i m so lucky,
do u know how?
cuz God loves me,
Do u know how?
cuz he gave me a gift,
Do u know what?
its YOU my Love...♥♥♥
We walked arm in arm
We walked arm in arm
But I didn't feel her touch
A desire I'd first tried to hide,
That tingling inside was gone
And when she asked me:
'do you still love me?'
I had to look away
I didn't want to tell her
That my heart grows colder with each day..!'[
u live so far a way
u live so far a way
u r so close to me
i miss u every day
i tell u all my secrets
i wish u could stay
i need u now in my life
i know i can't get my way
i think of u every night
my feeling i don't need to say...:
i need u so much
i'm going crazy today
u live so far a way
u r so close to me
i miss u every day ♥ ♥ ♥
Best Difference Between Promises & Memories...
Best Difference Between Promises & Memories...
Promises --> We Break Them...
Memories --> They Break Us...!!!
The Couple That Fights The Most
The Couple That Fights The Most
Is The One Most In LOVE...
It Shows They Care Enough To Notice
The Other One Screwed Up &
Care Enough To Mention It To The Person
So They Can Fix It ..
When yOu Stop Fighting
It Means That yOu Stopped Caring..!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hate but LOVE more Argue but AGREE more Talk but LISTEN more Punish but 4GIVE more! Then you will Love people BUT People will Love you more....
Hate but LOVE more
Argue but AGREE more
Talk but LISTEN more
Punish but 4GIVE more!
Then you will Love people BUT
People will Love you more....
A 6 yrs old boy to his father....

A six-year-old boy told his father he wanted to marry the little girl across the street. The father, being modern and well schooled in handling children, hid his smile behind his hand.
“That’s a serious step,” he said. “Have you thought it out completely?”
“Yes,” his young son answered. “We can spend one week in my room and the next in hers. It’s right across the street, so I can run home if I get scared of the dark.”
“How about transportation?” the father asked.
“I have my wagon, and we both have our tricycles,” the little boy answered. The boy had an answer to every question the father raised.
Finally, in exasperation, his dad asked, “What about babies? When you’re married, you’re liable to have babies, you know.”
“We’ve thought about that, too,” the little boy replied.
“We’re not going to have babies. Every time she lays an egg, I’m going to step on it!”
The taste of water can be enjoyed
"The taste of water can be enjoyed
only when we are thirsty..!"
Same way,
"The Love of a Persons will be known
when we are Alone"
I just want to see you.......
I just want to see you.......
When you're all alone.........
I just want to catch you if I can........
I just want to be there.......
When the morning light explodes.......
On your face it radiates.......
I can't escape............
I love you till the end..........♥♥♥
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Everybody needs inspiration....
Everybody needs inspiration..........
Everybody needs a songBeautiful melody..........,
when the nights so long..........
Cause there is no guarantee.........
That this life is easy.........
When my world is falling apart,............
When there is no light to break up the dark...........
That's when I look at you...........♥♥♥
Anyone can make you Smile ..
Anyone can make you Smile ..
Many people can make you Cry ,,BuT,,
It takes Some One very special
to make you Laugh
when the Tears still iN uR eyes :))
Wanting her is hard to forget,
Wanting her is hard to forget,
Loving her is hard to regret
Losing her is hard to accept,
But even with all the hurt I've felt,
Letting go is the most painful yet...♥♥♥
New Style Of Proposing:
New Style Of Proposing:
Boy: Can I Take Your Photo?
Girl: Why?
Boy: Just Wanted to Show My Children That
How Their Mom Looked
in her Younger age....
I Love You...♥♥♥
Monday, June 14, 2010
I fell in love with you when I first met you
I fell in love with you
when I first met you,
I love you now,
I will always love you and
every time I see you,
I just fall even more ♥ ♥ ♥
Sunday, June 13, 2010
L.O.V.E -->
L.O.V.E -->
L | is for the way you look at me
O | is for only one I see
V | is very, very extraordinary
E | is even more than anyone that you adore
i lyk d way u wait fr me...........
i lyk d way u wait fr me...........
i lyk d way u cried fr me..........
i lyk d way u smile at me........
i lyk d way u care fr me.........
l lyk d way u loved me..........
bt where ol dt love n care hs gone........
u btrayd me.....
bt i stl love u.......
n olways...........♥♥♥
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